Ahhhh we love a good list. So here’s Part One of our top ten “BEST OF THE FREAKING BEST ads and advertisers of 2024.”
Grab a bowl of spicy nuts, a glass of fizzy blackcurrant, and enjoy the countdown from 10 to 6!
10. LEGO Botanicals from Initiative Media and Team Epiphany
Getting florist creators involved to do weekly TikTok challenges; a Valentine’s Day campaign; and this lovely real life LEGO flower shop — extraordinarily delightful interpretations of play. And would any list like this really be a list like this without LEGO!?
9. Reese’s Caramel Big Cup by Erich & Kallman
Super Bowl ads are sometimes phenomenal, and sometimes phenomenally awful. The caveman simplicity of this one makes me want to burst through the nearest shop window and chow down on a mountain of Reese’s Caramel Big Cups like a pig in a trough. And I don’t even particularly like them.
8. Visit Oslo “Is it even a city?” by NewsLab
Tourism advertising can be so predictably pleasant. Tastefully churning out all the lovely things you can do in the country. Visit Oslo and NewsLab cheekily twisted the norms with dry Norwegian humour, and made me want to leap onto the nearest plane to Oslo RIGHT NOW!
7. Lynx
Lynx’s obsession with the allure of their scents is pretty alluring! Especially when done with daring humour like this little gem. Props to LOLA MullenLowe Madrid and their client, Unilever.
6. British Airways
British Airways and Uncommon flying the flag for big, bold and beautiful OOH, and the power of distinctive brand assets - even if you can’t fully see them!