ALL the emotions right here in Part Two of our top ten “BEST OF THE FREAKING BEST ads and advertisers of 2024”
ALL the emotions right here in Part Two of our top ten “BEST OF THE FREAKING BEST ads and advertisers of 2024” as we count down from 5 to 1!
Ahhhh we love a good list. So here’s Part One of our top ten “BEST OF THE FREAKING BEST ads and advertisers of 2024.”
Ahhhh we love a good list. So here’s Part One of our top ten “BEST OF THE FREAKING BEST ads and advertisers of 2024.” Grab a bowl of spicy nuts, a glass fizzy blackcurrant, and enjoy the countdown from 10 to 6!
Celebrating the MARKETING GENIUS of the Ice-Cream Van! 🍦
What else can make people’s ears prick up, abandon their TV/phone/washing up/toenail clipping, rush outside their house, and immediately buy something on the street!?
Let’s Wean The Fitness Industry Off A Lethal Drug: Short-termism
Long-term success in the fitness and wellness industry should be a marathon rather than a sprint – requiring sustained investment in brand, community, product and people.
The Infinite Loop of AI - and How It Will Eat Itself
I asked AI to write an opinion piece about AI writing and opinion piece about AI, and how that can lead to an infinite loop. And now I’m writing an opinion piece about AI writing an opinion piece about AI writing and opinion piece about AI.
18 Branding & Marketing Essentials for Start-Ups
Ensure your branding is the secret ingredient in your company recipe. Blend it seamlessly from the get-go, infusing it into your product and platform DNA.
The Creativity Ain’t Dead Series
Part 2: Now we’re FLYING!
Ahhh airports – a place of excitement, anticipation, emotion, frantic rushing, cheesy rom-coms…and fancy advertising!
A pointless guide to starting a career in graphic design
Back. Way back in the day I studied fashion design at a fancy northern art college. What possessed me I still don't quite understand - I was 18 - who has a clue what they're about when they're 18?
The Creativity Ain’t Dead Series
Part 1: CreaTEETHity
Many norms within dental marketing render it tediously formulaic at times. The wholesome family scenes, smug mirror smiles, before-and-after visuals, vibrant lifestyles and all-round CLEAN living…
Give me some space, man!
A rant about why less is more when it comes to brand marketing. As Beth Gibbons purred in Portishead's 1994 classic, Glory Box, "Move over and give us some room, yeah!" She wasn't referring to making space in brand marketing strategy and execution, but then again...
All right or so wrong? Some thoughts on "correct-vertising"
Some names are just tricky to say. I've had times when I've known someone for years, gone past the stage where it's appropriate to ask how their name's pronounced, and just avoided ever saying it.
The bloodstream guide to fabulous fitness marketing
Part 1: 10 Top Tips
Never underestimate the power of the brand…